In the fall of 2019, my wife and I moved to the Quinte West area from Toronto to be closer to family and live the better life. It wasn’t until we settled here that I started to think of the concept of County Audio Visual. We knew of the wineries and friendly atmosphere, but I did not know the sense of community, charity, and local support the area had.
I have worked for decades in the live event industry. From world class stages for some of the largest entertainment acts, to the most discerning corporate clients. With my hands-on experience on most every type of equipment, I have chosen a selection that works well together. It provides a slick, tidy, nonintrusive package of professional audio and video equipment. I intended to introduce this service to Quinte West and The County in the spring of 2020. I was going to commute to Toronto a few times a week to continue servicing a few choice clients and slowly develop County AV here close to home.
Then the pandemic hit us all…
I do not need to repeat what covid-19 has done to all of our lives, and the uncertainty it brings to our futures. Here at County AV, we believe in the science of our medical professionals and abide by the rules that have been put in place to try and keep us all safe. We are setting our sights on the needs of public address systems of necessity, and do not promote the unsafe gatherings that we read about in the papers. This is a time of charity, well being, and caring for each other. Ideas that come to mind include mobile wireless PA for a birthday drive by, an announcement on the front lawn of city hall, addressing a group of people needing a large space to maintain social distancing such as an air hangar, or a small band on the front lawn of a long term care facility. The equipment and experience for these types of events is available and stored here in Quinte West. Hope to hear from you and stay well.